chat platform — 2

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

1_ We need a person file for each user

2_ Live broadcast and send gifts, such as Facebook launched the live broadcast of games and live broadcasts such as Peugeot Live and the ability to chat and comment while broadcasting

3_ Chat rooms are visual, audio and written

4_ Discord feature occurs collectively while playing

5_ Add a friend and the ability to track him if he is in the room if the user allows it

6_ The owner of the room has powers like an admin to prevent insult or violation of laws

7_ A distinctive color or shape is given to the person receiving more gifts

8_ Code delivery is open to us without encryption so that we can update or add some features. Copyright and property rights are not sold to companies or users

9_ In the event of a breach or loophole, it must be repaired

10_ A distinctive shape or color for the people who work as a supervisor or supervisor in the program and control panels

11_We need the selling panel by selling gift coins to users, and the user sends gifts to any user
12_ I need 3 languages ​​for Arabic, Turkish and English

13- Android, iOS and PC

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project