FTTx/FTTH OSP design for a residential complex

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

A FTTx/FTTH OSP design for a residential complex site is required.

– DWG AutoCAD files of the resdential complex site will be shared with the designer.

Keeping the following in mind,
– Not to worry about active components at all.

– We need underground design with the use of pipelines for cables installation.

– Our plan is 1:64 subscribers per PON.

– 64 buildings , 32 apartment in each building.

– You need to suggest a central office.

– You need to suggest a BoQ (Bill of quantities) according to the cable meters required to this project and sizing that would help in implementation.

– Business privacy is required.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project