need iOS developers for project contracts

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We are a small technology contractors. We are searching for freelancers to work with us on all size projects.

If you have any of below skills, do let us know, and also let us know your 8 hourly/daily work rate. We are creating an hourly project, but bid your 8 hourly/daily work rate (8-10 hours)
1. PHP
2. Android/Java/Kotlin
3. Swift
4. Flutter
5. React
6. WordPress, Woocommerce

We are not searching very cream, top of the things whom we cannot pay, as our clients are mostly startups and at max SMBs. If you are a full stack developer or a developer well versed in one of above technologies looking to do projects with us at reasonable daily work rates, you are most welcome to apply here!

All payments will be done ONLY via freelancer through milestones.. We DO NOT work outside freelancers. All work to be done at freelancer. We will sign NDA once, valid for 1 year, so that interests of our company, clients and projects is safe. Freelancer cannot in anyway contact our client or we will enforce NDA, and believe me, we are dead serious about that.

Looking to make associations with good people here.

We are searching for about 5 freelancers for each technology.

Lets begin!

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project