joomla virtuemart expert plugin
Project detail
I am seeking an experienced freelancer who is highly knowledgeable in Joomla and VirtueMart plugins to work on a project. The ideal candidate should have past experience working with Joomla-based e-commerce solutions and a knack for solving technical challenges with creative solutions.
The selected freelancer will need to be able to create a custom plugin for a VirtueMart shopping cart in Joomla to achieve the desired functionality I’m looking for on my site. Along with the required skill set, the ideal freelancer should also have a portfolio of projects that demonstrates their expertise in this area.
For consideration, freelancers should include information about their experience in the Joomla & VirtueMart fields and any relevant projects they’ve done in the past. Lastly, I’m expecting that all submissions will also include a detailed proposal for the project so I can make a well-informed decision about who to select.
If your skill set matches what I’m looking for and you have the necessary experience to complete the project, I’d love to hear from you.