Amazon/eBay Arbitrage Software — 2

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I need a software coded that will do the same things as and

What I need the software to do is the following:

1) Enter a ebay seller username, and it goes to their store and scrapes all their listing titles, after that, it copies those and checks those titles in amazon, and tries to match products (with the exact title) and shows the price difference between them. after that you can save it as a CSV file.

2) Add/Search any product from amazon, Add/Search a whole top selling amazon category / sub category. Also a graphical view of price trends with each item and a graphical view of other competitors selling same item on ebay.

3) Listing creation, you enter the amazon ASIN and it will create ebay store listings, using an HTML template that we have created, (it will fill details from amazon into this listing). Like title, pictures, and descriptions. (the pictures will be saved onto the server).

4) Every 15 mins, a cronjob will run and check the price on amazon, and if the price is different, it will adjust the price on ebay, by revising the item. The software needs to be able to change price based on factors (like a fixed/percentage profit and minimum profit settings.)

(Like 20% percent profit, but make at least 5 GBP profit.)

It also has to check stock levels with amazon and update this.

5) Automatic ordering when item is paid for through Amazon API. It also needs to change order status on ebay and send tracking information over to ebay.

Thanks for looking.

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Freelancer type required for this project