Edit a PHP Opensource CRM Script .

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hi, I have a PHP based Open Source CRM Script that is installed on our server called “Yetiforce”, it has a lot of fields that are created on the admin panel and filled manually per module, we add all product details in the database including item numbers, product names, prices, total amounts, packing sizes, etc etc, currently, when we add a new item on a sales order or a purchase order, it automatically gets the price field we input in back-office from Database, we want to adjust the system so that we can add more fields that can be automatically filled in the front office, and when the item name is selected in any other module, it will popup the field information right away, we want to “create” the function so that any prefilled field we want to add on any module, it can be made easily

To try, go to sales->sales order, edit the current one, go to the bottom, add the item number 292050 and it will automatically put the price (We put earlier on the system), we want to add more similar fields.

Our budget is 45$ for this project.

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Freelancer type required for this project