Docker Compose Next App
Project detail
I am seeking a freelancer to assist with resolving an error related to the configuration change in the `.event` file of Next.js. The error message states: “TypeError: (0, react_jsx_dev_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.jsxDEV) is not a function.” This error occurs when changing the configuration variable `NODE_ENV` from `”development”` to `”production”`. It appears that the configuration of this variable influences the behavior of the `next-auth` component. Specifically, when the `NODE_ENV` variable is not set to `”production”`, the authentication form only appears in the “development” state.
The goal of this project is to correct the error and ensure that the authentication form functions correctly in both the “development” and “production” states. The freelancer should have expertise in Next.js, React.js, and the `next-auth` library.
The example website,, demonstrates the desired working authentication using next-auth by Google, Twitter, Facebook. The freelancer should be proficient in AWS and comfortable using the terminal for AWS-related tasks.
If you have the skills and experience to complete this project, please apply. Thank you!