Corectare aplicatie risc cardiovascular
Project detail
I am looking for a developer to correct the functionality issue in my Romanian language web application focused on cardiovascular risk assessment. The ideal candidate should have experience in web application development and be familiar with Romanian language. The project requires expertise in correcting functionality issues. The application is built for the web platform.
I want 2 new fields for phone number and email adress of the clients and a send button with the text ” Trimite datele tale doctorilor noștri pentru a lua legătura! ” This 2 fields will be in the last section of the calculators after the risk progress bar.
I want the image logo-placeholder to be positioned after that.
I want a checkbox with terms and conditions to be placed close to the send button.
I want the values in the right side of all caracteristics (age, sex, LDL cholesterol level, arterial tension, smoker/nonsmoker ) to be editable by clients that use the medical calculator.
I want the email to be sent to one email adress and to the client in a nice format.