build me a mern stack website

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Project Description
You are requested to implement a tool that is used to facilitate travelers to plan their trip. Traveler will use the
tool in two ways:
1. Provide the tool with specific budget, dates he/she would like to travel, then the tool should provide list
of countries/cities within the budget with the following details.
a. Cost details for all activities take place during the travel such as Airfare cost, accommodation,
meals, ….
b. Weather conditions during the selected dates.
c. Famous food recipes for this country/city
d. Currency exchange rate of the country compared to EGP
2. Select a Country/City and the tool display average cost for
a. Cost for main activities like Airfare cost and Average cost per night for all activities take place
during the travel such as, accommodation, meals, ….
b. Weather conditions during the selected dates.
c. Famous food recipes for this country/city
d. Currency exchange rate of the country compared to EGP
More Details:

1. Build a secure RESTful APIs to achieve the mentioned functionalities. Only one is enough.
2. Use existing public and free APIs for the following
a. Famous food for the country
b. Weather
c. Currency converter
3. Build a DB holding all countries/cities costs and details
4. Build a front end to be used to CRUD the data stored and provide the two user journeys mentioned in the
project description
5. Provide sample test cases using postman for all implemented APIs
1. Use NodeJS as Backend language. React as front-end language. Any selection for DB can be used.
2. Data exchange between front end and APIs should be in JSON data format by default
3. All APIs implements should be added to a postman collection and attached to the project files
4. Swagger documentation is mandatory for the implemented APIs

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project