Book Covers and Illustrations – Multiple Items
Project detail
I am looking for a freelancer who can create realistic illustrations for my book covers and other related items. The illustrations must be of high quality and should accurately depict the subject matter. I prefer a realistic style for the illustrations.
The color scheme for each item may vary, so I need a freelancer who can adapt to different styles. The color scheme will be provided for each item.
I need 1-2 illustrations for each item, depending on the complexity of the subject matter. The freelancer should have experience in creating book covers and illustrations, and should be able to provide samples of previous work. The ideal candidate should have strong skills in digital illustration software, such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.
Overall, I am looking for a skilled and experienced freelancer who can create high-quality book covers and illustrations that accurately depict the subject matter and appeal to my target audience.
I would prefer to find someone to work with longer term to maintain cohesion with my works. High preference for science fiction art.