Internet programing

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Assessment Brief
The Coursework Assessment – Assessment Brief (Draft)
In this coursework, you are required to design, implement, test and demonstrate an e-commerce website with at least five pages for a business which intends to promote and sell products or services. The website should be produced using ASP.NET Core in C#, and other associated technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). At a minimum, your website must include the following:

1. Home (index.html) consisting of section/article elements describing some applications or benefit of the product to your audience. These should contain one or more images each. The home page should contain a slideshow showcasing key products or deals.

2. Product pages generally promoting each product. Product pages should have a relevant video. (Note that you are not required to create a video file). Customers should be able to search for products (via a search text) or browse categories of products. In order to purchase a product, the customer will add it to a basket. The status of a customer’s basket should be indicated on all pages. When the user elects to edit their basket, and/or check-out, this should occur on a new page. The new page should calculate and display the total order and enable customers to remove and update items. (Note that you are not required to process payment).

3. A login link/form should be available on every page to authenticate customers, enabling customers to select the login (or register) facility as only registered customers can check-out. Account details must be stored in a database.

4. An Admin page where only authenticated administrators can edit categories and products. This should include the ability to upload/replace product images.

5. A Contact and or About Us page which provides customers with information about the company, what it does, the owners, where it is located, etc.

The overall design is up to you, and all page content should be meaningful (no dummy text). The user-interface and interaction design should follow best practice for ecommerce systems. Consideration should be given to the use of the system on Mobile Devices. The application should be prepared in ASP.NET Core in C#, together with other associated technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). It should not be possible to inject HTML, Script or SQL and the possible threat of XSS attacks should be mitigated

Your work will be accompanied with a brief report explaining your application design process, starting with the planning phases which would generally include research into the purpose of the site, website structure (using site map, mock-ups or annotated wireframe, mood board for a desktop, laptop and mobile device) to meet the requirements of the website. You are required to explain what you have achieved (features) and how (implementation), where you experienced problems and what you were unable to complete. All implemented features should be documented in this way. The report should contain any access information that might be required for your e-commerce system. Your report will have a maximum of 2000 words excluding code and references

Coursework Demonstration: You will be required to individually demonstrate your work to the module Lecturers in a lab session after submission, where feedback will be given. A timetable for this will published at a later date. Your work will not be marked unless you demonstrate it. Not being able to demonstrate that the submitted coursework is your own work could result in failing this module even if the submitted work is acceptable on its own

Submission: by 2:30pm on Tuesday 14 March 2023

Your work should be submitted electronically via the module Dropbox on NOW. The application should be submitted as a single zipped file (.zip format only) containing your website folders and files. The report should be submitted in WORD or PDF format (should not be zipped).

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project