I need a mobile application with Unity capable to record the microphone sound (*.wav) and send it to a remote http service
Project detail
## Description:
I need a mobile application with Unity capable to record the microphone sound (*.wav) and send it to a remote http service
## Mockups
## Mandatory:
– GITHUB will be used. Is not accepted other platform for source code management
– Deliverables on each milestone.
– The http service will not be provided. Developer should start it in the localhost using the provided code (python or nodejs)
– https://github.com/srJones1/nodejs-file-receiver-nodejs
## Deliverables
Each milestone should have at the end
– github push to main branch
– video showing how the app looks like
– apk uploaded to the google drive
## Workflow
– Milestones of the backlog, should be estimated(time) by the developer
– Developer starts some milestone, develop and notify the task completion with the explained deliverables
– Developer should wait until the Project Manager confirms that the task has completed without errors
– Project Manager will generate a git tag
– Developer should start the next milestone
## Acceptance tests
– App should be tested on several android devices
– Wav file should reach the http server and be stored
## Milestones
## Note
Please, read carefully and ask me anything you need to avoid misunderstandings.
Check the milestone sheet, copy it and share me your estimation.
Let’s start ASAP, I have more projects