I need a coder for HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Can you help me make a page called playgame, you will be creating a card game for the user to play called count up. This game allows the user to deal cards and try to reach a 30 without going over. The page loads with and area to the right which shows the users points which start at 1000. There should be an area in the middle where the cards will be dealt, as well as the deck of cards to the left of that. There should be 3 buttons at the bottom, one for deal, one for stand and one to reset the entire game. When the user hits the deal button, it starts by dealing out 5 cards, of which the first 2 are flipped over. From there they can click the face down cards to flip them over and the value of the card will be added to their total. All cards are worth face value, with Jack to King being worth 10 and Ace being worth 11. If the user goes over 30 when they click a card, it should tell them they lost and take away 50 points from the total. If the user hits stand, it should calculate points based on how close they are to 30 and add them to the total. The point ranges are below. If the user hits reset, if re-shuffles the cards and resets the point total to 1000. Once an individual game is ended, they can hit deal to start a new game.

Skills Required


Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project