builduig Inventory Management System using jee (Eclipse) and phpmyadmin
Project detail
builduig Inventory Management System for supermarket(fruits,vegetebles,candies…) using jee(servlet,view.jsp,index.html,,sheet.css…)and DAO,phpmyadmin
the first thing is an authentifaction page where the respnsible can login
after there is page when u can choose between(fruits,vegetables,meats…) and in each one there is a list of product
for exemple when u click on the button of fruits u can see list( like:apples,bananas…)
where u can delete product , add product,change the quantity or the name , or just to see the whole product .
And there are some options like seing the bills , and the clients informations and the suppliers informations and what do u buy from them and even the employees informations and deleting or adding or changing their information(name,birth day, responsability,…) and i want the code source before 07/02/2023