Write a python program using Gurobi that solves a multicriteria optimization problem

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

The deliverable is a python script commented that uses Gurobi to solve the problem attached.
The problem variables need to be clear to know what they correspond to.
Data is attached in file: “medium_instance.json”

Here are the objective / preferences / constraints I listed from the project:

# Objective: Maximize the sum of the gains from completed projects – the sum of the penalties for delay

# Preference 1: Minimize the maximum number of projects for the employee with the most projects
# Preference 2: Minimize the total duration of each project

# Constraint 1: A project must be completed in a number of consecutive days
# Constraint 2: An employee can only be assigned to a project skill if he/she has that skill
# Constraint 3: An employee can only be assigned to one qualification throughout a project
# Constraint 4: An employee can only be assigned to one project per day
# Constraint 5: An employee may not work on a day off
# Constraint 6: A project is completed when each qualification has been staffed the right number of days
# Constraint 7: A project can only be completed once
# Constraint 8: The problem takes place over a given time horizon

This is just an explanation of the problem, this isn’t a modelization for Gurobi.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project