Arduino UNO code for WPSH211 NFC reader to read written NDEF messages (language prefixes)
Project detail
1. Have Arduino Uno board, Whadda WPSH211 with external NFC antena, Seed Studioo Relay Shield V3.0 On each NFC card or tag will be written One language suffix (for example ENG or DE). Tag messages will be rewritten many times so language suffix will not bet related to any specific card. Need to create 3 scenarios:
1. Arduino with NFC shield reads NFC tag NDEF messages, if one of prefixes(any if) LV, ENG, RU, EE, DE is written in NFC card (simple text message), it turns On Relay shield relay NO3 on for 1000ms;
2. Arduino with NFC shield reads NFC tag NDEF messages, if one of the prefixes LV, ENG, RU, EE, DE is written in NFC card, it prints the prefixe (what is written on that tag) to Serialprint (so Windows PC can read what language prefix is in Card);
3. Arduino reads NFC tag NDEF messages, if one of the prefixes LV, ENG, RU, EE, DE is written in NFC card, it turns Arduino GPIO # HIGH (3v) For each language suffix seperate output. If 3v output is not possible, than needs adjust Uno firmware to var like keyboard and send One unique letter for each suffix AS a keyboard.
Could be some adjustments for what we will award with additional $. Need to be done within day, few days