Complete our website
Project detail
The Alpha development of Exorbital subsidiary website, with a rudimentary version of the service. The backend of the site is completed, and data entry is near completion. We are looking for experienced developers to complete the remainder of the site. The frontend is under development. We have finished the mockups and written preliminary code for the Project’s frontend. This listing is to secure full stack developers to finish the website and connect the Front and Backend and to improve the website’s design philosophy.
Language Requirements:
• Python, HTML, CSS, and experience with AWS.
• Knowledge of Adobe XD to upgrade the design.
• Experience using Django and Rest Framework.
Other Pros:
Experience with any of the following:
Testing, Boilerplate, Unit Testing, Enzyme, React Testing Library, Web Components, Integration, Syntax/JSX, Styling Components, AWS Amplify, AWS servers, and Backend Integration.
• Developments the user facing side of our website.
• Develop the user facing side of our service.
• Use elements of web components, React and AWS to build an accessible and digestible interface.
• Though this is only an Alpha, we want to begin thinking about user security. We are using JWT.
• Enable a customized and simple interaction opportunity between the user and the data.
• Through steps of testing and development, you will be creating an accessible view of complex information in one place and be building the interface for a search function.
• You will need to use GEODjango to access the point data in the database and make a distance search.
• Optimizing and improving the user application, especially the JWT authentication and test cases. Overall, the user application is ready to use and change according to the frontend’s feedback.
• Data entry