Gomoku AI in Java
Project detail
Hi. I need a person that is a bit of an expert in Artificial Intelligence and knows how to program in Java. The problem is to create an AI (the task is just to create the agent file that contains our AI) that can beat an other ( just a bit dumb verson) AI in gomoku (tic tac toe). The board is 15 * 15. There are random spots, u are not allow to step ( marked with a ‘#’ in the board).The board is a ‘torus’ board, so its an infine 15 * 15 board.
U can check the AI script that we have to beat (and u can change it and use that against him, add a minmax alpha beta or negamax or anything u want to beat it) and u can see all the source code of the game. U dont have to create the board and the other stuff. There is already a jar file that contains everything ( including the AI player we have to beat , and the script that we can type in the command line to play the game against the enemy AI).
U are not allowed to change anything in the jar file, the task is just to create the java file which contains our AI (the heuristics, the algorithm and the others, just as the AI we have to beat). The enemy AI algorithm uses a greedy algorithm. Our AI should beat him MINIMUM 8 out of 10 times. That is the goal. The memory and the time limit is in the pdf that i will send u. There is also a program that u can use to test the AI match multiple times in once (1-1000 matches) and it tells u who won in each round.
The project is a small project, u just have to create the Agent java file, which is same as the AI java file we want to beat, but ofc. upgraded. ( or just change the greedy enemy AI with heuristics and a great algorithm or a brute force code). This project needs to be done within 2 weeks. (2020.december.05)