Moodle LMS + BigBlueButton
Project detail
* I set the project price range lower than I expect to get the best price quotes. However, I want you to convince me that you are the right freelancer for the job and also provide a fairer project costing.
1. GENERAL, using Moodle and BigBlueButton (BBB),
a. Recreate the customer/learner experience, like Preply.
b. Recreate the parent/proctor experience, like Outschool.
c. Recreate the instructor course posting experience, like Outschool
a. It is up to you, the freelancer, to propose what each page may look like by using wireframes and graphical mockups, such as Figma or AdobeXD.
* Please see my Figma, which wasn’t customized in detail for this project, but still shows the general flow and design concepts I am looking for.
3. Summary of LMS or CMS
Activate Moodle’s features and customize as necessary to achieve the project’s requirements, as outlined here and to be further defined through discussion with the freelancer as deemed necessary.
a.. member roles such as teachers, students, proctor etc and dashboards
b. google drive integration
c. h5p integration
4. CORE FUNCTIONALITIES, but not limited to:
a. Different user roles have different registration pages. The user roles will be provided. User roles vs their respective permissions are already done, so only work on the respective registration pages.
b. Students: can search/browse/register for classes, take classes, and review progress.
c. Parents/proctors: can search/browse classes/register students for classes, and review student progress.
d. Teachers: can create classes or courses through a frontend listing process. Classes are either on a predefined curriculum basis or offered perpetually on a scheduled basis.
e. Schedules are managed via Google Calendar.
“5”. Video Conferencing and Chat
a. Implement the open source BigBlueButton, which is Ruby on Rails, and customize with the following features
b. Add tts and stt/live captioning features to BBB
c. Add a Karaoke feature, preferably from Youtube
– Youtube karaoke1:
– Youtube karaoke1:
a. Core Scope is everything, 1 to 4, except 5.
b. Part 5 is preferred as a part of the current project’s scope, but not critical.
* Everything in Scope is unalterable without prior agreement with the employee.
Please see these videos for a click-by-click tour of Preply and Outschool. Watching these clips will make the project scope very clear and save us a ton of time in communicating the nuanced details of the project.
– All features:
– 1 Instructor Overview:
– 2 Instructor Features & Menu Options:
– 3 Instructor Educator Library:
– 4 Instructor Apply to Teach:
– 5 Parent Dashboard:
– 6 Student Dashboard: