Writing a two papers report
Project detail
You must use IEEE conference template uploaded to system
Any topic related to Wireless communication
To be discussed
Deadlines: before 10 may
Maximum two-pages, Report must have Title author name and affiliation (as per the conference template), Abstract, Keywords at least 5 (in alphabetical order), Introduction section where you will discuss the references (at least 10). You can have one or two sections for your work where you must have at least 1 figure 1 equation (for students who are working on coding they can put their flow chart) and 1 table (that must be related to your own results not general images equations or tables, and you must cite them all in your text) followed by a conclusion section include future work in your conclusion section in one paragraph. Finally, you will have references section where you must have at least 10 references everything must be according to the conference template and your own work. Do not copy anything as that will be considered as an act of plagiarism.
You must name your report document using your name surname and student no.
The deadline was 8th week of the semester, but it is extended now, which is 9th May 2022 so all the reports must be uploaded to system before 19:00. Failing to do so will cost you 60% overall weightage and results in failing the course. You can of course submit your report a head of a time. Please note out of 60% weightage, 40% is for report and 20% is for presentation (instructions will be uploaded soon to the system . For Report the 40% is sub divided into 20% for formatting and 20% for technical content of your report.