Arduino stepper servo code writer
Project detail
I need someone to write code that can control a hybrid servo motor. The circuit will have a carriage that runs on linear rails driven by a 6mm pitch ballscrew. There is a switch to choose from auto or manual, start and stop for the auto and then a ‘home’, move forward and move backward button for the manual part. An induction sensor will be placed at the ‘home position’. When the arduino is powered up it needs to return slowly to ‘home’ then move fast forwards and backwards a set number of steps written into the code.
When auto is selected there is also an induction sensor on an a slow moving external shaft which will control when the carriage is moving. If the external shaft stops then the carriage stops, when the shaft continues the carriage would continue its journey.
Power supply to the servo stepper is 48volts. Hybrid stepper driver with 800 pulses per rotation.