FLUTTER make a lotery pool website

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

The ideia is to have a website where people will be able to register.
There will be different pools available. Each pool will have a minimum target to be considered valid. For example, the pool ABC when reaching 80% of total value, it is considered valid pool. once a pool is validated, One person from our staff will gather the amount of money collected and make a bet on lottery.
From official lottery we receive a ticket number, the administrator of the website will, later on, enter this number received from lottery into the website, exactly on the same valid pool.

If the ticket is awarded, then the money from lottery is divided among all people on that pool.

– Use clean architecture principles.
– you must use valid objects
– you must catch excepiton as failures to avoid crashing
– this app should be done in FLUTTER

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project