Mobile SQLite to Cloud MYSQL Replication

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Pascal Delphi 11 Mobile app data replication to cloud based central database.

Data replication.

Device SQLite Cloud MYSQL
Must use a secure connection.
Must use a certificate stored in code to connect.
Each Device has a unique ID. this is used in DB records

Integrity must be assured. Test record after upload.

Device to cloud.

Upload all data from the txn table. To cloud.
Upload all records from each table with flag of new or update to cloud. Table to have date device data

Cloud to device.

Download all data to device linked to is for each table. Device / table / record sync flag

For example. If I have a table called customer.

I want to update a customer record (abc123) to devices 1 3 & 4
I will add records for the id of the table record and device.
If that table has an entry for a table and device but no record you will download the entire table.

Customer abc123 1
Customer abc123 3
Customer abc123 4

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project