Write blender script to render each frame of a 3D object animation from each angle

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I have a special use case of a certain format of a 3D model. The format is a collection of still pictures of the 3D model in animation. Therefore I need a script that can render the required frames.

For example, let’s say I have a 3D model with 1 animation with 25 frames and I want it rendered from each horizontal angle with a 5 degree difference each time. Then the resulting amount of pictures would be;

25 * (360/5) = 1800

Then let’s say I want the vertical degree to change from 0 to 40 degrees (counted from the top) with a 5-degree difference the resulting picture amount would be;

25 * (360/5) * (40/5) = 14400.

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