Design & function web service market place & OCR System reward point[Scan receipt, Get Data, Reward point] + UI/UX from scratch
Project detail
Budget IS USD 1000.00. So after review my document. If you think can do this task then JUST chat with me for more detail.
Client just have Twilio API and payment gateway will use our country payment gateway []
You need create front end UI/UX and back-end together.
Using React framework for front end and integrate that using API Back-end keep in Laravel. So it will be a complete package of REACT/Laravel/FIGM/MYSQLIA
My project you need do is
1.User upload/capture any receipt images, system will do OCR image and get data. And reward point [REFER document]
2. User can use this service web apply service.
2.User also can get reward point After create task to vendor [User want service like cleaning house. so can use this website apply job] and write review. Then get point.
3.After get reward point, customer can use it to get and print out vouchers or use this point to get discount when create task.
4.Point will have expired time. But set by admin.
[If want more detail please refer to document].
Function want like this but our web still have add NEW FUNCTION
All function must build in module and easy us modify.
Must create a AI[mean create 100 users use same function like upload video, or make payment] to test the coding is loading fast or not.
If slow will reject.
My competitor is ” “. and
Our just create 2 milestone.
1) 20% payment release. Complete whole project and upload into client server and test. Logic correct.
2) 80% payment release. NO bugs.
Timeframe is 1 month to complete.