Need a writer for a my kids movie commentary track

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I have made a movie which is an animated children’s fantasy feature film called “Sylvie and the Wogglebug.” I am currently selling it on DVD and it is also uploaded to my Youtube channel. I am wanting to get more sales for it and one of the ways I can is by putting an exclusive commentary track done by my star character the Wogglebug on it. I have written a script which is a list of subjects for the voice actor I have for the character to talk about on the commentary track. However my voice actor for the character is finding it too difficult to improvise the whole thing and while I would like to write actual lines for the script I just feel I may not be able to write enough that are sufficient for the length of the movie which is 96 minutes.

So I am looking for a writer to write the Wogglebug’s lines for the commentary track for me. I need someone who is good at writing character’s dialogue and good at writing humor and writing for kids.

Skills Required

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Freelancer type required for this project