Chrome extension: Scrape from and add to google spreadsheet
Project detail
Extension details:
1. Select TradingView watchlist from extension
2. Select frequency and time of day (eg Daily, 12:00am)
3. Select/connect destination spreadsheet
5. Extension pastes scraped data to the same tab at same time each day.
*We need to append new data only, but if that is not easy from extension please advise and we can use google sheets formulas or script to manage that, ie in a 2nd tab.
– Should scrape “List of Trades” table to work for all TradingView account levels
– Must support multiple watchlists
– Right now we are thinking “MVP” until we see how we like it, so think fast and usable, doesn’t have to look great.
Next version:
Update extension to include an html dashboard instead of google sheet to show portfolio results (can bid on this if you like)
Please see video with more details, comments and visuals here:
Thank you for your interest and I look forward to discussing soon! Kindly.