Need a Node.JS and React.JS developer for long term

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Looking for a highly skilled and well-experienced developer with a hands-on experience of working with Node.JS- API and other backend development along with React.Js developer who can do work with custom and complicated projects along with a team for at least 3 months. The main job role will be to analyze the required API, development and integration of the API along with front end development In React.JS. Optional React-Native.
Terms of work- The developer will have to work as either a contractual employee as a part-timer or a full-time employee through the tracker. The developer will have to give a minimum of 4 hours every day.
Project Details: The project is an e-commerce website and Mobile Apps.
Payment and terms- Payment will be released on either a half-monthly or a monthly basis. Once a developer join cannot leave the project before one month. Developers’ 20 hours of work payment will be on hold for the first 45 days.
The developer will be paid for every single working minute.
For 100 hours the payment will be between 16000 to 30000 depends on work experience and work productivity and technology skills. Developers will have the opportunity to work more than 200 hours in a month.

1. Only true freelancers will be considered, no web development company will not be allowed.
2. Developers should be sincere, honest, and dedicated to their work.
3. Amatures/Less-experienced developers can’t work on this project so please don’t place a bid.
4. A documentation will be required before joining.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project