C# Multi-Threading/EF Expert for bug fixes — 2

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail


I have a program that uses lots of multithreading to work. I’ve gotten it running somewhat smoothly but Im having trouble getting an EF function to work.

Seems it can’t run this:

testRepo.Update(CurrTest = new Test { StartDate = DateTime.Now });

This will be a long term roll to perfect this and another project using multithreading and EF.

I need to hire someone to fix and add features to my bot.
It’s in C#. and is multithreaded.

It also uses AWS SQL Server, IoC Unity, and HTTP Requests.

Last developer was not an expert at all of these and failed. Are you an absolute EXPERT?
If so please show me an example of C# code you wrote that is multi-threaded.

Put the word “ASMAN” as the first word in your bid so I know you read.

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