IOMAD 3.9 + Moodle multitenancy setup and customization

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

1. Design custom Front page and login page.

2. Design and implement the procedure for student signup/enrolment.

3. Generating auto-emails like Student registration/enrolment, Course start, course completion etc.

4. Creating email based self-subscription ‘Create User’ link that will be sent to their users by managers of different companies for self-account creation.

5. Each such email will be tied to unique enrollment key so that only one account can be created for each enrollment key.

6. Other user account specifications including custom user fields to be added will be provided.

7. Custom user profile fields include picture fields with ability to upload pictures (jpeg and pdf) to those profile fields by users.

8. Redesign IOMAD ‘Create User’ and ‘Edit User’ forms to incorporate the layout of additional custom user fields.

9. Hiding irrelevant blocks and menu items for Company Manager, Teacher and Student role. (Using CSS).

10. Generating some custom reports for system admin, and company manager like student course progress, students enrolled, course completion, student login reports etc.

11. Implement SMS/Security Questions based 2-factor authentication for login authentication.

12. Limit the login to certain number of hours in a day.

13. Setting up grade book for the course.

14. Setting up 5 quizzes of 30-40 questions using Moodle quiz activity and grade book for quizzes.

15. Student should be able to see only incorrect answers at the end of the quiz.

16. Implement re-authorization at random intervals during the course and before starting a quiz.

17. All requirements have to be implemented using custom/existing plugins/CSS and without changing core IOMAD or Moodle files.

18. Once setup is finalized in test environment it will be moved to production environment.

1. There is only one rolling course that will be provided to multiple companies.
2. All Companies who buy this course will enroll their own users to course.
3. Course will be active for users for one year once they start the course.
4. Each company will be provided user creation link for their own company.
5. Company manager could see users enrolled in their own company only.

Skills Required

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Freelancer type required for this project